Press & Publications

Alderton, E., Brunsell, E., & Bariexca, D.N.  (2011).  The end of isolation.  Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(3), 1-16. [pdf]

Bariexca, D.N.  (2010).  Alleviating Shakes-fear.  In R. Branstetter (Ed.), The teachable moment (pp.15-24).  Kaplan.

Bariexca, D.N.  (2010).  British literature wiki.  In T. Freedman (Ed.), The amazing Web 2.0 projects book (p. 70).  Retrieved from

Bariexca, D.N.  (2010).  The ick factor.  In R. Howe (Ed.), One size does not fit all (pp. 182-194).  Kaplan.

Bariexca, D.N.  (2011).  The purpose of education.  In D. Belshaw & A. Stewart (Eds.), Purpos/ed (pp. 7-9).  Scholastic UK.

Bariexca, D.N.  (2012, September).  EdcampNJ: Grassroots professional learning.  NJEA Reporter, p. 13. [pdf]

Bariexca, D.N.  (2012).  The trial of Iago.  In C. Limber, E. Till, & M.B. Perkins (Eds.), Othello: The Moor of Venice study materials/activities (pp. 16-17).  St. Louis: Shakespeare Festival St. Louis. [pdf]

Bariexca, D.N.  (2014).  Sustaining distributed leadership: Lessons learned from a case study of Delaware middle schools.  (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.  (UMI No. 3666117)

Bariexca, D.N.  (2021).  Best practices in high school distance education: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemicUnpublished manuscript.

Bariexca, D.N., & Richardson, K.  (2002).  “Mingling bloods”: Friendship in The Winter’s Tale.  In J. Ehrlich & J. Field-Pickering (Eds.), Folger Shakespeare Library Education Department curriculum guide to The Winter’s Tale (pp. 4-6).  Washington, DC: Simon & Schuster. [pdf]

Bariexca, D.N., Richey, N., & Zuckerman, A.  (2018).  Teaching social media at Lawrence High School.  Educational Viewpoints, 70-72. [pdf]

Zuckerman, A., & Bariexca, D.N.  (2017, April/May).  Teaching social media at Lawrence High School.  On Target. [pdf]


Damian has also been featured, quoted, interviewed, or cited in the following works:

Ahmad Kharman Shah, N., & Cox, A.M.  (2017).  Uncovering the scholarly use of Twitter in the academia: Experiences in a British university.  Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 22(3), 93-108.  doi: 10.22452/mjlis/vol22no3.6

Andrienko-Genin, T., Consten, J., Money, J., Broding, M., Dorman, L., Shepard, S., & Mousavi, O. (2023). The benefits of community building and participatory leadership in an interdisciplinary virtual professional learning community in higher education during COVID-19 and post-pandemic times. Philosophy of Education, 29(1), 66-91.

Ansbach, J.  (2017).  Take charge of your teaching evaluation.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Baker, C., Maben, S., & Edwards, J.  (2015).  Strategies for establishing and sustaining social presence in the online learning environment.  In R.D. Wright (Ed.), Student-teacher interaction in online learning environments (pp. 251-265).  Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Beach, R., Anson, C.M., Kastman Breuch, L., & Reynolds, T.  (2014).  Understanding and creating digital texts: An activity-based approach.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Beach, R. & O’Brien, D.  (2014).  Using apps for learning across the curriculum: A literacy-based framework and guide.  Florence, KY: Routledge.

Bellano, A. (2017, April 25). Lawrence school district music education community among nation’s best. Lawrenceville Patch. Retrieved from

Berger, P. & Trexler, S.  (2010).  Content collaboration.  Choosing Web 2.0 tools for learning and teaching in a digital world.  Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Biddolph, C., & Curwood, J.S.  (2016).  #PD: Examining the intersection of Twitter and professional learning.  In M. Knobel & J. Kalman (Eds.), New literacies and teacher learning: Professional development and the digital turn (new literacies and digital epistemologies) (pp. 195-218).  New York: Peter Lang.

Bradbury, J.  (Host).  (2011, November 13).  TeacherCast [Audio podcast].  Podcast retrieved from

Bradbury, J.  (Host). (2012, June 19).  TeacherCast [Audio podcast].  Podcast retrieved from

Brauer, J.D.  (2014).  A hermeneutic phenomenological study of school administrators’ participation in personal learning networks and privacy issues.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from

Brennan, K.  (2014).  Constructionism in the classroom: Three experiments in disrupting technocentrism.  Paper presented at the Constructionism and Creativity Conference, Vienna, Austria.  Retrieved from

Brennan, K.  (2015a).  Author’s response: The critical context of teacher attitudes and beliefs.  Constructivist Foundations, 10(3), 301-304.

Brennan, K.  (2015b).  Beyond technocentrism: Supporting constructionism in the classroom.  Constructivist Foundations, 10(3), 289-296.

Chichester, K., & Lo, B.  (Hosts).  (2010, May 11).  EdTech Classroom.  Podcast retrieved from [Link no longer valid] [mp3]

Deyamport, W.H., III  (2013).  An implementation of a Twitter-supported personal learning network to individualize teacher professional development.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from ProQuest.  (AAT 3559871)

Elias, S.  (2012).  Implications of online social network sites on the personal and professional learning of educational leaders.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from PsycINFO.  (2013-99131-305)

Fingal, D.  (2009-10, December/January).  Blogger’s beat: some advice for educational leaders.  Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(4), 38.

Fitts, T.H.  (2015).  Teacher implementation of mobile learning initiative at a sixth grade school: A phenomenological study.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from Liberty University.  (Paper 1092)

Fontaine, D.  (2008).  Welcome to the age of the wikitext!  MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, 15(3), 18-20.

Freedman, T.  (2008).  Web 2.0 projects.  Retrieved from

Guest, I.  (2014).  Twitter as professional development: Can 140 character snippets actually provide meaningful CPD?  Retrieved from MirandaNet website:

Guest, I.F.  (2018).  Exploring teachers’ professional development with Twitter: A sociomaterial analysis.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from

Guest, I.F.  (2020).  ‘Reassembled resemblings’ of teachers’ learning practices with Twitter.  Explorations in Media Ecology, 19(3), 267-284.  doi:10.1386/eme_00046_1

Ives, M.  (2014, April).  Digital leadership: Changing paradigms for changing times, by E. Sheninger.  [Book review].  Retrieved from

Jefferis, T.J.  (2016).  Leading the conversation: The use of Twitter by school leaders for professional development as their careers progress (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).  The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.  Retrieved from eTheses Repository.  (6858).  [pdf]

Jensen, H., & Morris, A.L.  (2021).  Co-production and educational change: Moving from formulaic to flexible scaling strategies.  In A.O. Thomassen & J.B. Jensen (Eds.), Processual perspectives on the co-production turn in public sector organizations (pp. 270-289).  IGI Global.

Johnson, S.  (2010).  Video conferencing and Teacher case studies.  Digital tools for teaching.  Gainesville, FL: Maupin House.

Jones, M., & Dexter, S.  (2014).  How teachers learn: the roles of formal, informal, and independent learning.  Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(3), 367-384.  doi: 10.1007/s11423-014-9337-6

Jones, M., & Dexter, S.  (2016).  Conceptualizing school-based teacher learning from teachers’ points of view: Holistically leveraging formal, informal, and independent learning activities.  In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2016 (pp. 929-939). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).  Retrieved from

Jones, W.M., Cohen, J.D., Schad, M., Caratachea, M., & Smith, S.  (2020).  Maker-centered teacher professional development: Examining K-12 teachers’ learning experiences in a commercial makerspace.  TechTrends, 64, 37-49.

Khan, A.  (2016).  Crossing boundaries: The role of English Companion Ning (ECN) in the professional learning of Pakistani university English teachers.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.  (UMI No. 10109854)

Khan, A.  (2017).  Expanding horizons: Contribution of an online community in the professional learning of teachers in Pakistan.  Pakistan Journal of Distance & Online Learning, 3(2), 25-40.

Kilgore, W., & Lowenthal, P.R.  (2015).  The human element MOOC.  In R.D. Wright (Ed.), Student-teacher interaction in online learning environments (pp. 373-391).  Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

King-Shaver, B., & Hunter, A.  (2009).  The new literacies and differentiated instruction.  Adolescent literacy and differentiated instruction. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Le, V. H., McConney, A., & Maor, D.  (2022).  Lurkers or posters?  How teacher identity influences self-presentation on social networking sites.  Learning, Media, and Technology.

Maloney, K.J.  (2016).  Leveraging the potential of personal learning networks for teacher professional development.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.  (UMI No. 10024187)

Maraldo, J.  (2014).  Tweeting in the Agora: An historical documentary of educational structures and discourse in ancient Greece and in modern social media.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from

McKeown, A., Mitchell, K., & Cornish, S.  (2012).  Switching on the possibilities of ICT use in alternative education programs: A literature review.  Retrieved from

Miles, K.  (2018).  Shared leadership perceptions in a turnaround elementary school.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from University of Portland.

Nolan, C.  (2018).  Perceptions of teachers who engage in social media networking: a multiple case study.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from

O’Toole, C.  (2018).  The lived experiences of ICT and Engineering teaching faculty in higher education institutions in Ireland and the United Kingdom, who adopt and implement mobile technology enhanced learning initiatives: A phenomenological investigation.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from

Paraiso, J.  (2012).  English as a Second Language teachers and the use of new media: Collaboration and connection.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.  (UMI No. 3552839)

PLB Registrar.  (n.d.).  Using spreadsheets in the classroom.  Professional Learning Board.

Porath, S.L.  (2018).  A powerful influence: An online book club for educators.  Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 34(2), 115-128.

Porath, S.L.  (2019).  Educator professional conversations via Twitter chat: Speech acts and intentions in #PDBookClub.  Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, 6(1), Article 4.

Rankin, J.G.  (2018).  Sharing your education expertise with the world: Make research resonate and widen your impact.  New York: Routledge.

Rankin, J.G.  (2020).  Increasing the impact of your research: A practical guide to sharing your findings and widening your reach.  New York: Routledge.

Rider University.  (2010).  Ready to learn – Rider set to engage educators at NJEA Convention November 4 and 5 [Press release].  Retrieved from

Risser, H.S., & Waddell, G.  (2018).  Beyond the backchannel: tweeting patterns after two educational conferences.  Educational Media International. doi: 10.1080/09523987.2018.1512449

Rudolph, N.D.  (2016).  The merge of social networking sites and professional development: A case study of Twitter usage among Minnesota K-12 principals.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from St. Cloud State University.  (Paper 16)

Sakka, A.  (2021).  Investigation of Greek EFL teachers’ attitudes towards Facebook as a tool for promoting teacher professional development [Postgraduate dissertation, Open Hellenic University].

Sanfelippo, J., & Sinanis, T.  (2015).  Principal professional development: Leading learning in the digital age.  Corwin Press.

Schieffer, L.  (2015).  Virtual collaboration: A phenomenological study of remote online adjuncts virtual collaboration lived experiences.  The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 3(3), 90-116.

Schieffer, L.  (2016).  The benefits and barriers of virtual collaboration among online adjuncts.  Journal of Instructional Research, 5, 109-125.

Sinanis, A.P.  (2015).  Principal professional development and Twitter: 140 characters of learning.  (Doctoral dissertation).  University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Skyring, C.  (2013).  Learning in 140 characters: microblogging for professional learning.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from Queensland University of Technology.  (65854)

Skyring, C.  (2014).  Twitter as a professional learning tool: Implications for practice and further research.  In Teaching, learning, and research in the 21st century.  Paper presented at 21st Century Academic Forum Conference at Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley, 21-23 August (pp. 142-152).  Berkeley: 21st Century Academic Forum.

Sroka, P.  (2004, May 22).  Students big and small learn from each other.  Courier News, p. C1.

Sroka, P.  (2005, May 17).  Uno… dos… tres… ole!  Dance enlivens lesson on Latin American culture.  Courier News, p. D1.

Sunday, A. A. (2021). Use of Twitter technology in educational learningThe Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 20(2), 189-196.

Swanson, K.  (Host).  (2013, October 1).  Edcamp Leadership: Exploring the Way Forward.  [Episode 15].  EdCamp Radio.  Podcast retrieved from

Swanson, W., & Aronow, N.  (Executive Producers).  (2010, February 8).   Classroom closeup NJ [Television broadcast].  New Jersey: Public Broadcasting Service.

Thompson, S.R.  (2017).  Digital learning in K12: Putting teacher professional identity on the line.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses.

Tunison, S.  (2016).  Cultivating knowledge: Research to enrich everyday practice.  Rotterdam, NL: Sense.

Vilson, J.L.  (2014).  This is not a test: A new narrative on race, class, and education.  Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Viswanathan, R.  (2012).  Social networking and blogging to enhance learning.  In S. Hargadon, R. Byrne, & C. Dawson (Eds.), Classroom 2.0 the book.  Retrieved from

Waddell, G.H.  (2019).  Mathematics teacher professional development via conference tweeting and blogging: A mixed methods analysis.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from University of Nevada, Reno ScholarWorks Depository.

Wilmington University.  (2014).  Wilmington University hosts Teacher LeaderCamp on October 25 [Press release]. Retrieved from

Wise, D. (2024). Reducing transactional distance using X (formerly Twitter) during the first four weeks of asynchronous agriculture education courses: A quasi-experiment (Publication No. 30987845) [Doctoral dissertation, Tarleton State University. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.

Wise, D., Mishnick, N., & English, C. (2024). Student perceptions of using X in asynchronous courses to enhance connectedness and learning. In J. Cohen & G. Solano (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 524-526). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Woodford, H., & Southcott, J.  (2018).  Sparking ideas: English teacher use of online tools for professional learning.  English in Australia, 53(1), 42-51.

Woodford, H., Southcott, J., & Gindidis, M.  (2023).  Lurking with intent: Teacher purposeful learning using Facebook.  Teaching and Teacher Education, 121, 103913.

Woodford, H., Southcott, J., & Gindidis, M.  (2024).  The sushi train of professional learning: Teachers self-driving learning using a social networking website.  Teacher Development.

Woody, C.S.  (2014).  Supporting the new principal: Central office support options.  (Doctoral dissertation).  Retrieved from Texas A&M University-Commerce Electronic Theses & Dissertations.

Zhang, B.  (2015).  Bridging the social and teaching presence gap in online learning.  In R.D. Wright (Ed.), Student-teacher interaction in online learning environments (pp. 158-182).  Hershey, PA: IGI Global.