by damian on December 10, 2008
Still learning...
by damian on December 10, 2008
Before diving into math lessons, explore your students’ math identities. Asking them about their experiences and goals can lead to a more inclusive and engaging math classroom.
By the way, today was my 25th first day of school (as a grown-up) and my 14th in LTPS, the first 3 of which were spent at LIS as a school psychologist. Time flies! #LTPSThisIsUs
Spent part of the first morning of the year helping our LIS Owls find their homerooms. Happy New Year LTPS! #LTPSThisIsUs
@LTPS1 Instructional Supervisor team ready for the 24-25 school year #LTPSThisIsUs @DrMPancoast @sarah_paluzzi @_drdamian @rpkgoomer @robyn_klim
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